The computer just stopped. Or it doesn't start. Or it tries to start and then reboots. It could be heat, corrupt hard drive, or general hardware failure like a power supply. For a mobile device it could be your battery. We can help get you running again.
Not all data can be recovered, but we will let you know your options and recover what we can. Sometimes it's a trade off with he value of the data. In the end, our recovery has been more successful than most, and we will work with you on stabilizing your data and building a solid backup plan.
An email, a link, a mouseover; something completely unintentional can lead to a machine that doesn't work as it should. It could compromise your data or your privacy. We can help.
Internal and external networking are a way of life. Data is exchanged all the time wirelessly or wired. When it doesn't, business slows or stops, productivity decreases, and often frustration sets in. We will work with you to get your networking communicating again... or even set up initially. We will look at what your goals are for the exchange of data and make sure that sharing of information is secure.
Many things can decrease the your productivity. Sometimes it's as simple as a slow computer. If your computer is making you wait even an extra minute day to boot, to save, or any combination of common activities, you are losing over 30 hours of productivity a year. Nothing is instantaneous, but we will work to get your computer functioning as quickly as possible while not compromising security. We will make practical recommendations and work with you to set up a maintenance plan to keep systems running optimally.